The municipalities are moving towards lower emission requirements, in all municipal service sectors. The snow and ice removal services has faced challenges to fulfill these low emission requirements. HillTip are now very proud to be a part of this revolutional change in the snow and ice removal industry.
The HillTip IceStriker™ 12V electric salt and sand spreader that is built for light truck and compact municipal vehicles is now also introduced together with the Goupil G4 electric vehicle. The lightweight saltspreader hopper body made of polyethylene, and stainless steel parts, are giving the features that are required for a long-lasting spreader for both wet and dry deicing methods with optimized loading capacity. These are key elements for long-term cost effective and environmental friendly snow & ice clearance with electrical vehicles.
The Goupil G4 is a new designed, state of the art, versatile 100% electrical car. It’s very flexible, fast up to 50 km/h with a loading cap. of 1000 kg in the standard version. When making use of a lithium batterie pack, the range can be extended up to 135 km. The width of the G4 is 120 cm. Having that said, this makes the G4 a perfect fit for the HillTip Icestriker 550. The Icestriker 550 saltspreader is about 120 cm wide and needs a truck bed of 120 cm, it weighs completely filled with salt about 1000 kg and works on 12 volts. The Goupil G4 can also be equipped with electro hydraulic Snow plow in the front. The snowplow is only 115kg and made of high strength steel.
The HillTip spreader body construction provides you long lasting protection against corrosion and rust. This unique salt spreader also includes integrated tanks for the optional liquid de-icing system, for spraying salt brine liquids for a more efficient ice removal. Liquid solutions are saving money (salt) and most important, the environment. Check salt savings calculator at: Did you calculate how much salt you save by changing from traditional salt spreaders to HillTip spreaders with liquid de-icing methods?, ? You better do, as you can save up to 75% of your current salt usage.
The combination of HillTip and Goupil is sure the most environmental friendly machine in the snow & ice industry, simply put, less salt and no emissions! That should be every contractors & municipalities interest, states HillTip Co-founder & Sales Manager Frank Mäenpää.
The HillTip spreader is also having as standard GPS ground speed control controller with color screen, that it also stores spreading data from each worksite for creating easy reports from the HillTp HTrack system, learn more at:
In The Netherlands the combination of the G4 and a Icestriker 550 is used to deice foot and bicycle paths in the town centers. In the Netherlands the importer of Goupil, Van Blitterswijk Eco Mobiliteit and the importer of HillTip, MemoWintermachines work closely together to make icy roads safe again, this time with no emissions!
The Goupil G4 and Hilltip combination has also been introduced in Denmark through the Goupil and HillTip distributor.
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