GPS ground speed control on the spreader gives the operator a more precise control over the volume of material that is spread. The driver just needs to dial in select the contracted application rate, and the spreader adjusts accordingly, based on the vehicle’s speed. It will always deliver the same, correct application rate.
The system is designed to automatically make continuous adjustments to the spreader output, offering increased efficiencies, improved reliability, and perhaps most importantly material savings. This saving can be significant, with many industry professionals suggesting savings of around 20% when switching over to GPS control on the salt spreader.
Simply, the salt spreader never puts out more than what is needed for the event, and the driver does not need to worry what is the correct amount by guesswork from what he sees thrown from the back of a spreaders on a dark snowy night. In most cases, the spreader driver will approach on the side of caution and use a lot more de-icing material than is necessary.

The Hilltip Icestriker 12V Electrical Spreader offer GPS ground Speed control as standard, as well as a built-in pre-wetting system that delivers a solution more accurately and efficiently onto a very precise target area.
“We just decided to design the salt spreaders the way we would like to have them, if we were a contractor”, Says Managing Director Tom Mäenpää. “Winter maintenance work is challenging enough as it is for the contractors. Anywhere we can add value and make their work easier, makes a lot of sense.”
In addition, we have the optional HTrack™ system for all of our salt spreaders that generates easy to use reports which deliver proof of performance following each site treatment, as well as monitoring statistics over the course of a season. Time, location, application rates and a host of other factors are recorded and can be called upon in a moment’s notice, to ensure you can validate to your clients where the spreader was and what exactly it was doing.